Allen Wyatt
Years ago I was living in Indianapolis, working at a great job, and dreading going to work. As I recount in this short, five-minute video, I spent huge chunks of my time doing the same things over and over again in Excel. It was hard, mind-numbing work.

Fortunately, I found a way out of the drudgery and abolished the dread I felt in dealing with my work. This discovery created an “escape hatch” for me; it allowed me to make the repetitive work a snap, and I could breeze through it quickly and easily. Literally, what used to take me about 12 hours to do, I was able to do in a matter of minutes.

What was the secret I discovered? In a word, macros.

But you knew that, didn’t you? There’s a good chance you already know that macros can do for you what they did for me. You probably know that if you just knew how to create your own macros, you could deal with a lot of the drudgery you now feel when you use Excel every day.

So, here’s the question: Isn’t it time for you to learn how to master macros?

You know it is. You know this is a great way to extend what you can do with Excel. You understand that learning how to use and create macros augment your Excel skill set and better your work life.

I want to help you do that. I want to introduce you to the power of macros, show you what they can do, and show you how they do it. If you do any work with Excel, I can show you how to make that work easier and faster.

This really is powerful stuff! (But you already knew that, too, right?)

Does learning how to create and use macros scare you just a bit? I understand that feeling, but I also know from personal experience that with just the right type of instruction and some effort on your part, you can—just like I did—develop your own macros and make quick work of the repetitive drudgery you face on a daily basis.

The macros you create can make the work you do more enjoyable, allow you to do it faster, and (along the way) establish you as a “get it done now” type of person.

That’s why I developed my Excel Macros Master Class courses—to help you improve your skills and get more done with Excel. Right now, you can register for either my Beginning Excel Macros Master Class course or my Advanced Excel Macros Master Class course. (You can even sign up for both at a special combination price!) These courses have been recently updated to what I consider a “third edition,” and they provide more information and instruction than at any previous time. If you are an absolute “macro novice,” just taking your first steps on the journey of discovery that will allow you to master macros, then my Beginning Excel Macros Master Class course is perfect for you. If you already have a bit more footing in how to work with macros, then you’ll benefit from my Advanced Excel Macros Master Class course.

“Although I wouldn’t have classified myself as a beginner at developing VBA macros, I still learned a good bit [from Allen’s course]. The downloadable workbooks included with most sessions will come in quite handy as reference material moving forward. Thanks for the high quality work which is typical of everything you do.”


What the Courses Cover

The Excel Macros Master Class courses are packed with great information, presented in a step-by-step approach designed to help you understand and apply the concepts you need. The courses are divided into sections, each covering a major topic area related to working with macros. Each section is further divided into a series of sessions (or, if you prefer, lessons) that are individually crafted to help you expand your understanding of macros. Further, the courses are designed to help you progress and succeed at your own pace.

Here’s a quick rundown of the sections in the two courses:

Beginning Excel Macros Master Class   Advanced Excel Macros Master Class
Section #   Section Title
100   Course Introduction
101   Setting Up Your System
102   Two Methods to Create and Use Macros
103   Managing Macros
104   Understanding VBA Projects
105   Understanding VBA Procedures
106   Understanding Variables and Operators
107   Understanding VBA Functions
108   Interacting with the User
109   Affecting Program Execution
110   Understanding Excel’s Object Model
111   Working with Ranges and Selections
112   Manipulating the Worksheet Object
113   Adjusting Worksheet Structure
114   Manipulating the Workbook Object
115   Putting Macros to Work
116   Developing Your Own Macros
117   Debugging Macros
118   Course Wrap-Up
Section #   Section Title
200   Getting Started
201   Accessing the Excel Environment
202   Letting Users Access Your Macros
203   Advanced Ways to Work with Data
204   Searching and Replacing
205   Working with Non-Workbook Files
206   Working with Files and Folders
207   Creating Event Handlers
208   Creating and Using UserForms
209   Building and Using Your Own Add-Ins
210   Improving Macro Usability
211   Honing Your Skills
212   Using the Visual Basic Editor
213   Using the Debugging Tools
214   Final Words

As I said—these courses are packed with information! Remember that each section is further divided into multiple sessions. In fact, the Beginning Excel Macros Master Class course includes a total of 71 sessions, and the Advanced Excel Macros Master Class course is divided into 51 sessions. If you want an even more detailed outline of the courses, you can download a detailed outline by clicking or right-clicking one one of these links:

“As a weekly subscriber to Allen Wyatt’s ExcelTips, I signed up for his course with high expectations. My expectations were exceeded! The course’s session format is well designed, and Allen is clearly a master at both Excel and teaching it. If you want to get an understanding of the basic building blocks for building macros—this is your course!”
—Joe Crance (MBA)


A Sample Course Session

To give you a taste for how I present information in the course, I want to share one of the sessions from the Beginning Excel Macros Master Class course. Below is the video for Session 101-1, “Getting Ready to Work with Macros.” This session is part of Section 101, which you can see in the section outline, above. (Hint: You may want to maximize the video so it fills your screen. I find this helpful when viewing sessions.)



I hope that gives you an idea of how I conduct my courses—I try to be clear, concise, and complete when discussing any particular topic. Note that for this particular session, the supplemental materials include two transcripts (one “raw” and the other edited). These supplemental materials are available on the session’s page once you register for the course. In addition, you may have noticed that this sample session (and all the sessions) include closed captions, which can be a great aid for those who are hard-of-hearing.


What Course Registration Includes

If you decide to sign up for the Excel Macros Master Class courses, here’s what registration as a class member gives you:

  All the videos for the course  
  A downloadable Excel workbook for most sessions, so you can follow along with what is presented in the video  
  Two types of downloadable transcripts for each video (the raw transcript and an easier-to-read edited transcript)  
  Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session  
  Closed-captioning available for each streaming video session  
  The ability to pause, rewind, and replay the videos as many times as you want  
  The ability to watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace, without any artificial deadlines  
  The ability to mark each session as completed so you can easily track your progress in the course  
  A minimum of 12 months of full access all course materials, including videos and supplemental materials  
  Unlimited 24/7 access, as long as you have an Internet connection  
  Support from me (Allen Wyatt) as you learn to create your own macros  
  Optional (added cost) ability to download videos to your system or have them sent to you (every class member has streaming access to videos, but you may want access to the actual video files)  
  A certificate of completion available at the end of the course, upon request  
  100% 30-day money-back guarantee (You get plenty of time to try out the course)  

I’ve structured my Excel Macros Master Class courses so that it is easy to develop the skills you need when it comes to macros. Plus, I’ve done my best to pack the courses with features and benefits that make it an absolutely awesome value.


The Price for All this Awesomeness?

Each course (Beginning and Advanced) is available in 3 versions—Standard, Enhanced, and Premier. Basically, the Standard version provides the streaming version of the course, the Enhanced version provides the ability to download (and save) the video files, and the Premier version provides video files all the way to 4K resolution.

The registration price for the course depends on which course and which version you choose. Plus, if you register for both courses, you can get any of the 3 versions at a special combination price. The registration fee for the courses is a fraction of what in-person events can cost. (I should know—I’ve attended and taught my fair share of such events!)

Look for the heading, below, which represents the course you would like. Underneath each heading you can find complete details of what each version of that course provides.

Beginning Excel Macros Master Class


Free Trial






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High-quality streaming video for all sessions (14 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracing of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 12 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

12 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 12 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 12 month registration period

Certificate of completion (PDF) e-mailed to you (upon request)

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration




High-quality streaming video for all sessions (14 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracing of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 18 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

18 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 18 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 18 month registration period

Certificate of completion suitable for framing mailed to you (upon request)

Downloadable course video files in 720p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 1080p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Lifetime access to videos downloaded during your 18 month registration period

Video files sent to you on USB 3.0 drive (upon request, after 30 days)

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration




High-quality streaming video for all sessions (14 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracing of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 24 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

24 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 24 month registration period

Certificate of completion suitable for framing mailed to you (upon request)

Downloadable course video files in 720p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 1080p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 4K high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Lifetime access to videos downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Video files sent to you on USB 3.0 drive (upon request, after 30 days)

Free digital copy of ExcelTips: The Macros

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration

Advanced Excel Macros Master Class


Free Trial






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High-quality streaming video for all sessions (14 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracking of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 12 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

12 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 12 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 12 month registration period

Certificate of completion (PDF) e-mailed to you (upon request)

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration




High-quality streaming video for all sessions (14 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracking of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 18 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

18 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 18 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 18 month registration period

Certificate of completion suitable for framing mailed to you (upon request)

Downloadable course video files in 720p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 1080p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Lifetime access to videos downloaded during your 18 month registration period

Video files sent to you on USB 3.0 drive (upon request, after 30 days)

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration




High-quality streaming video for all sessions (14 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracking of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 24 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

24 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 24 month registration period

Certificate of completion suitable for framing mailed to you (upon request)

Downloadable course video files in 720p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 1080p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 4K high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Lifetime access to videos downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Video files sent to you on USB 3.0 drive (upon request, after 30 days)

Free digital copy of ExcelTips: The Macros

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration

BOTH Beginning AND Advanced
Excel Macros Master Classes



Free Trial






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Price above is a discounted price for enrollment in BOTH courses

High-quality streaming video for all sessions (24 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracking of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 24 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

24 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 24 month registration period

Certificate of completion (PDF) e-mailed to you (upon request)

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration




Price above is a discounted price for enrollment in BOTH courses

High-quality streaming video for all sessions (24 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracking of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 24 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

24 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 24 month registration period

Certificate of completion suitable for framing mailed to you (upon request)

Downloadable course video files in 720p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 1080p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Lifetime access to videos downloaded during your 18 month registration period

Video files sent to you on USB 3.0 drive (upon request, after 30 days)

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration




Price above is a discounted price for enrollment in BOTH courses

High-quality streaming video for all sessions (24 hours of instruction)

Watch videos on multiple devices

Excel workbooks for appropriate sessions

Closed-captions (streaming videos only)

Transcripts (2 versions) for each session

Additional downloadable supplemental materials, if necessary for the session

Pause, rewind, and replay videos as many times as you want

Watch, work, discover, and learn at your own pace

Online tracking of the sessions completed

Unlimited 24/7 access during your 30 month registration (as long as you have an internet connection)

30 months of access to all course materials online

Lifetime access to supplemental materials downloaded during your 30 month registration period

Personalized help in learning macros durig your 30 month registration period

Certificate of completion suitable for framing mailed to you (upon request)

Downloadable course video files in 720p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 1080p high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Downloadable course video files in 4K high-def format (available 31 days after registration)

Lifetime access to videos downloaded during your 24 month registration period

Video files sent to you on USB 3.0 drive (upon request, after 30 days)

Free digital copy of ExcelTips: The Macros

100% money-back guarantee during the 30 days following registration

Important Note: Those who choose to register for either the Enhanced or Premier versions of the course receive, 31 days after registering, access to a download page that provides the video files (without closed-captioning) in multiple formats. (Those who register for the Enhanced version receive access to 720p high-def and 1080p high-def downloads, while those who register for the Premier version also receive access to 4K downloads.) High-quality video files are HUGE, so I also provide the opportunity for Enhanced- and Premier-level registrants to have the video files sent to them on a USB 3.0 drive at no additional cost, upon request. Access to the downloadable video files is provided 31 days after registering because the first 30 days constitute the “kick-the-tires” period where any registrant can ask for a full refund of the registration fee.

I’m excited about this course!

I’m betting that you can catch a glimpse of why I’m excited. While I can’t come to your hometown and host one of my two-day Excel seminars, I can do the next best thing and provide the online tools you need to finally harness how to create and use macros. And, I can provide it at a lower cost than a “hometown seminar” and provide more features and benefits.

“I want to report successful completion of your course. I enjoyed the freedom of viewing the videos as my schedule permitted. Also, it really helped to have topics available to view multiple times as I tend not to learn quickly. The videos together with the workbooks and transcripts provided a complete package that was well worth the cost of the course.”


Accepting New Students

I only open the doors to my courses a couple of times each year. The doors to the Excel Macros Master Class courses are open right now (or you wouldn’t be reading this), but they won’t stay open for long. Here’s the complete rundown on important dates relative to this course opening:

  • March 5, 2025: Doors to the course open; new students can register. Early bird pricing is in effect.
  • March 12, 2025: Early bird pricing ends at end of the day.
  • March 19, 2025: Doors to the course close at end of the day.

Once the doors close, my estimation is that they won’t open again for at least six months. I close the doors like this so that I can block the time necessary to help the influx of students that always occurs.

Remember, you can register anytime that I’m accepting students (like right now), and when you do, you’ll have immediate access to the course for which you decide to register.

If you don’t have time for the course immediately, but you anticipate that you will within the next month or so, you may want to go ahead and register now. The course is self-paced, and even though you get immediate access to the course upon registration, you can delay starting for a bit, if that better fits your schedule. You have access to the course for a minimum of a full year (12 months) from the time you register. (Note that each level of the course offers access for differing lengths of time.)


Still Can’t Decide?

If you are still on the fence about registering for a course, consider a few things:

  1. The full course outline is fantastic. I provided a quick overview of the outline, above, but you can check out the full outline by scrolling back up and downloading your own copy. (The link is right under the section listing for the course.)
  2. I’ve actively tried to provide more support materials to class participants than other online courses. (I don’t know of other courses, for instance, that provide the powerful combination of a printed outline, two sets of transcripts, and available closed-captioning.)
  3. I make myself available to course participants, through this website and via e-mail, for as long as you are registered for the course. (In other words, you won’t be left on your own as you work through the course—I’ll be there to help you.)

I’ve spent an immense amount of time and resources to put together the Excel Macros Master Class courses. In the courses I show you the real power of macros in an approachable, achievable way. If you decide to register for a course (or both courses!), I want you to acquire real, marketable skills you can use regularly. It will take work on your part, but I’m there to help you out as you finally master how to work with macros!

The bottom line is that these courses are for regular people who simply want to increase their knowledge about Excel and make it work the way they want.

“There is a great need for this. I teach Excel (and other Office applications) at a couple of local colleges, Continuing Ed, and can tell you there are people who have been using Excel for years but do not know the basics, shortcuts and tips and tricks, so it is not just the newbie that has the need. Thanks for all the great content that you have provided over the years!”

I’m confident you won’t be disappointed in the Excel Macros Master Class courses but, even so, there is no risk on your part. As I’ve noted a few times on this page, my course is covered by a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee, the same as all my other products. If you don’t like what you see or it’s not working out for you, just e-mail me and request the refund. My only requirement is that you do it within 30 days from when you first register. (That gives you plenty of time to “kick the tires” and try everything out.)

Are you ready to expand your knowledge of Excel and finally (finally!) conquer macros? If so, I’m ready to help you gain the skills you need. All you need to do is register by scrolling back up to the pricing tables and clicking the button for the course and course option that’s right for you.

Do you have other questions about the Excel Macros Master Class courses? E-mail me ( and I’ll get you helped out as quickly as I can.