You’ve now completed one step in signing up for the notification service. Your name has been added to the subscription list, but you need to now verify that you really want to receive the notifications.

In the next few minutes you will receive an e-mail. That message contains a confirmation link. You must click the link to confirm your subscription. If you do not confirm the subscription by clicking on the link, then you won’t receive any notifications because your subscription process won’t be complete.

NOTE! If you don’t get the e-mail within the next five minutes, it means that you either didn’t enter the proper e-mail address, or the confirmation e-mail was swallowed by your spam filters. Scroll a bit down this page for things you can check if you are sure you used the correct e-mail address and you didn’t get the confirmation e-mail message.

If You Don’t Receive the Confirmation E-Mail

If your spam filter is a challenge/response system (one where a human needs to respond before you get the e-mail), chances are you’ll never get it because you’ve asked a machine to send you the confirmation request; no human will ever see it.

General Information

The first place to check is your junk mail folder or its equivalent. (For instance, you may want to check the junk mail, spam, or bulk mail folders, if your mail program uses them.)

If the message is not in one of these folders, then it is possibly being blocked without notice by your network. In that case, you’ll need to talk to whoever handles the email server for your domain.

When you talk to your IT folks about it, they will want to know a few bits of information so they can track it down. First, the date and time of the message. (The date and time you are reading this note is sufficient.)

Second, the “From” address on my e-mail messages is mine:

Third, the IP addresses for the servers sending the newsletters are detailed on this page. (Aweber is the vendor we use to send out our newsletters. The link leads to an information page on their site.)

For Those Using Google’s GMail Service

If you have a GMail account, there are a few other things you should realize. First, it is highly possible that Google is incorrectly classifying my message as junk mail. When you log into the GMail interface, you could look in the Junk E-mail folder (left side of the screen) to see if it is there. More than likely, though, it is NOT there. Click the More option (again, at the left side of the screen) and you’ll see a folder appear called Spam. If you click on that folder, that is where you’ll likely find the message.

Look through the Spam folder and find the message there, then follow these steps:

  1. Click the small checkbox just to the left of the message.
  2. Click the Not Spam button at the top of the screen. (This button is hidden until you click at least a check box.)

When you do this, Google “learns” that you don’t consider my messages to be spam and moves them to your Inbox.